Minggu, 16 April 2017


Test-Taking Skills

  • Learn to take notes effectively. This includes knowing which information is important and which information you can probably ignore. Effective note taking also involves proper pacing. Be able to keep up with the speed of TOEFL Listening tracks as much as possible.
  • Speaking of pacing, learn to manage your time as you answer questions. Be aware of how much time you have per question. Be prepared to move on or make a quick, educated guess if you are stuck on a difficult answer.

Practice activities:

  • Listen to transcripted English speeches and talks. Read the transcripts as you listen. While you won’t be able to read transcripts or captions on the TOEFL itself, this is still very good listening practice. Reading the transcripts can help you identify and learn new words common in spoken English. Looking at a written version of speech can also help you understand the structure of academic spoken English. You can find good transcripted English speech on websites like TED TalksUpworthyKhan Academy, and even right here at Magoosh.
  • Expose yourself to real English lectures and conversations. Talk with others you know who speak English. If you can, attend English lectures and ask the speaker questions. Even if you live in a place with few other English speakers, there are ways to do this by phone or Internet.

Tips for Success on Test Day

  • Dress comfortably for any room temperature.
  • Eat a good breakfast.
  • Arrive at the test center at least 30 minutes early.
  • Follow directions carefully to avoid wasting time.
  • Do not panic. Concentrate on the task in front of you. Do not think about questions you have already answered.
  • Do not spend too much time on one question.
  • Do not leave questions blank. If you are not sure of the answer, make the best possible choice.
  • Pace yourself to answer every question and avoid rushing at the end.